Free $10 Gift Card and 15% Cash Back this Week Only
Ebates is celebrating it's birthday, that means BIG cash back for you!
Ebates is celebrating it's Birthday by giving 15% cash back! Everyday there will be new stores added! Stores include Macys, JCpenney, Walgreens, Nieman Marcus and more.
How do you use ebates?
It's VERY simple. Whenever I want to buy something online I just go to Ebates FIRST and then I type the store I want in their search box and click their link to open the store in another tab. I've earned my most cashback last year by shopping at Kohl's and Macys. Also, when I book a vacation online with sites like Orbitz, Hotwire, Travelocity etc I will make sure I go through Ebates.
15% Cash Back ends this weekend!
You can do it to!
Stopping at first will become routine the more you do it. Not all stores give cash back but MANY do. You will earn a Free $10 gift card just for signing up and using Ebates. You can also earn in-store cash back by preselecting store's you plan to shop at and tying your credit/debit card to your account.
Get 20% more for FREE
When it's pay out time you can get 20% more cash back by choosing to be paid by an e-gift card to stores like Old Navy, Kohl's and more. Other options for getting paid is by good old fashion check and paypal.