Gillette Razors Only $0.24 at CVS (Reg. $11.99)
Save BIG through 6/8!
This week at CVS, receive $8.00 Extrabucks when you buy two Gillette razors. Use a store coupon with a high-value manufacturer newspaper coupon to pay only $0.24!
Here's the deal:
Buy (1) Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor $11.99
Buy (1) Gillette Mach3 Razor $9.49
- Use $5.00/$20.00 Gillette Men's Razors or Refill Blades, CVS ExtraCare Coupon Center
- And use two $4.00/1 Gillete Razor or Blade Refill 4 ct or larger from 5/29 PG Newspaper
Pay $8.48, get $8.00 Extrabucks
Final Price: $0.24 each, when you buy both