Ultimate List for Where to Get Grocery Coupons in 2024
Using coupons is more important now than ever! Our list has the best places where to get grocery coupons in 2024.
To start using coupons, you must know where to look for them, right? So, we’ve compiled a pretty awesome list of places to seek out the savings. Read on to discover places to get your hands on some grocery coupons!
Grab Sunday Coupon Inserts
The Sunday morning newspaper often includes inserts or coupons for you to clip. Granted, a subscription isn’t free, but you can opt for a Sunday-only plan versus an everyday plan. If that’s not in your budget, I completely understand! Just keep your ears open and you might find that you have a friend or a neighbor who enjoys the Sunday paper comics, but not the coupons. Don’t be afraid to ask around and see if you can get your hands on them – many of them end up in the recycling without a second thought.Some of the coupon inserts you can find in the Sunday paper are the SmartSource, Save, and Unilever inserts. The SmartSource insert often features a variety of brands like Nivea, Breathe Right, Halls, Jergens, Victor Allen’s, and Allegra. The Save insert showcases brands like Aquaphor, Nexium, Ragu, Persil, and ThermaCare. Unilever is the parent company for Dove, Knorr, Nexxus, Hellmann’s, Magnum, Seventh Generation, and more. So that insert will include coupons for those popular family brands.
You’ll notice I didn’t mention anything about the P&G Brandsaver insert. Unfortunately, that insert is no more. They decided to switch things up and try something new. But, if you read on, you’ll discover how to score savings on all your favorite P&G products!
Grow Your Coupon Stash with Printable Coupons

Printed coupons are often very popular with shoppers! If you have the means to print with a printer at home, it’s quite convenient too. You simply print the ones you need and head to the store!
The most well-known website to print these coupons is Coupons.com. You’ll find money savings on a variety of products like baby care, pet needs, foods, drinks, personal care, make-up, and brands like Nivea, Off!, Advil, Garnier, CoverGirl, Gatorade, Welch’s, Colgate, and more! With a few clicks, your coupons will print and be in your hands.
You’ll also want to go directly to the manufacturer’s websites to look for printable coupons they might have available! P&G (that’s Tide, Charmin, Gain, Bounty, Olay, Swiffer, Febreze, Gillette, Downy, and more!) allows you to print coupons for their brands directly on their website when you sign up for their FREE P&G Everyday program. (A friendly note about P&G coupons, they expire 24 hours from the moment you print them, so print them the night before or the morning that you go to the store.)
Get P&G Coupons Here
Kellogg’s (that’s all your favorite cereals, Pop-Tarts, Eggo Waffles, Pringles, Cheez-Its, Townhouse, and MorningStar) also hosts the ability to print coupons for their family of products from their website as well. It’s as easy as going to the websites of the brands your family uses often and seeing if they have them! Scott, U by Kotex, Cottonelle, SuperPretzel, and Angel Soft are probably all brands you recognize from your shelves and they have printable coupons available as well. You just need to do a little investigative work with all your favorite products – in most cases, their website is noted directly on the package, which is the perfect place to start -- but so many of them are happy to offer printable coupons!
The good thing about printable coupons is that they do reset and change. The 1st day of each month is the biggest printable coupon release day! It’s out with the old and in with the new. Most printed coupons have a 30-day expiration from the date you print (though some can be 2 weeks), so you’ll want to leap on those when they first come out. They are limited in availability and can go quickly, but if you print them, you should have the time to find an accompanying deal. You are typically limited to 1 to 2 prints per coupon per account or device.
Request Coupons Via Mail

Some companies will mail you some of their manufacturer’s coupons upon your request. Frito-Lay has a cool program where you can request coupons for their products (like Pepsi, Mtn Dew, Lays, Ruffles, and Quaker products) by mail every 2 weeks! You can score 10 of them at a time and they arrive in your mailbox quite quickly. You simply create an account and log in to get them. (Mailing is super convenient, but you can print them if you rather too!) Blue Bunny allows you to request coupons every six months by simply calling 1-800-331-0830 and they send you six coupons at a time. (Just a heads up, this is not an automated call – you will be speaking to a representative.)
Another couponer favorite is requesting free product coupons from Social Nature. Just make an account and request free product coupons to be mailed right to your home. These coupons are for healthier foods you can pick up at Sprouts and Whole Foods and are often for free full sized products!
Sign up for Social Nature
You can also step up your coupon strategy and browse your shelves at home. Reach out to companies of the products that you currently buy via their “Contact Us” link on their website to see if they have coupons available to mail. If you want to learn more about how to go about doing this, read about Companies That'll Send You Free Manufacturer Coupons by Mail + How to Get Them. With a little time and effort, your mailbox could be filled with savings on all the products your family uses!
Clip the Latest Digital Coupons
Digital coupons really do make couponing easy. Most of your favorite grocery stores (Kroger, Publix, Food Lion, Giant, and others), dollar stores (Family Dollar and Dollar General), drug stores (CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid), as well as Target offer programs where you “clip” or add the coupon to your account (which are always free to set up) and redeem by simply using a loyalty card or phone number at the checkout. These coupons are taken off automatically. Talk about convenience! It truly doesn’t get much easier. You’ll just need to be proactive with your shopping and ensure that you save them to your account before you head to the checkout. With digital coupons, you are always limited to just 1 coupon. Looking to save money on baby diapers, wipes, and clothes? Check out my guide for scoring Free Baby Stuff in 2024!
Stack Store Coupons
These are coupons that are sponsored by the stores instead of manufacturers. They state “store” at the top, usually feature the logo of that store, and are ONLY redeemable at that store. The best part about store coupons is that you can stack a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon! This means you can use one of each on a SINGLE item. That spells even BIGGER savings. Some stores like to mail them out while most put them directly on their app along with the digital coupons. CVS and Walgreens are my favorite stores for stacking coupons as their app always has store coupons available, plus CVS mails some toyour house too! Make sure you sign up with your favorite and more frequented stores to get your hands on these.
Utilize Cashback Apps

While not “technically” a coupon, they work about the same, but differently -- only with the timing though. Instead of submitting a coupon to get that money “off” an item at the time of purchase at the register, these work where you submit the receipt proving your purchase and then get that money back – like a rebate, only way faster! It’s more or less reversed. Sometimes – and you do have to pay attention because it isn’t too often – you can stack them with coupons as well. I love these! Everything I need is on my phone and in my hand. All that I have to do is take a picture of my receipt when I get home. (This IS sometimes the hardest part. Darn my memory some days!) You simply save the offers you want to redeem to your account or list and then go buy them. There is even a feature on these coupon apps that allows you to scan the barcode of the item while you’re at the store to ensure you’ve got the right item to be able to get your money back. AND, in most cases, you can get multiple redemptions too! Meaning, if you want to buy 4 boxes of cereal because it’s on sale, you can get cash back on each one! Sometimes you’ll discover bonus offers that award you even more cash back! You do need to pay attention to how long offers are valid for as they do have expirations as well.
So as you’re stuck in the waiting room or school pick-up line, you can work on your savings strategies on your phone by saving the offers that you might use. Here are some of my must-have couponing apps:
Ibotta App
The Ibotta App is one of my faves because it’s really easy to use and offers a wide variety of offers on brands you know and love and they even have “any brand” rebates. In most cases you can buy multiple items and earn on each one, making stocking up extremely easy. Cashback values can vary by individual or location. 100% cash back offers aren’t uncommon — who doesn’t love freebies!? While it includes offers for foods, personal care items, and household goods, you’ll also find savings on automotive, toys, appliances, electronics, books, and more. You can earn extra cash through bonuses too. It’s available at most major stores (leaves out some of the smaller local grocery stores). It includes shopping beyond the normal household goods like clothing stores, hardware stores, restaurants, toys, and more! Opt for PayPal, a Bank Deposit, or a Gift Card when you cash out.Simply browse the offers and add the ones you think you will use. You’ll need to do this before you shop. You’ll also want to read the fine print too. Some can be combined with paper coupons and some cannot!
Cash back for P&G brand products have moved exclusively to Ibotta. While they do have a few coupons in the mainstream Sunday inserts from time to time, the big P&G Brandsaver Insert is no more. So if you favor P&G products like Tide, Crest, Charmin, Febreze, Tampax, Downy, Bounty, Bounce, Always, and more, you’re going to want to check Ibotta out.
You’ll note a wide variety of household, personal care, and food brands on Ibotta. Some of the more popular food brands you’ll recognize include Kraft, Heinz, Jimmy Dean, Ore-Ida, Stouffers, and Keebler. Finish, Arm & Hammer, Raid, Lysol, Rayovac, Purex, Fabuloso, and Hefty are some of the household brands you’ll be familiar with. And don’t overlook the savings on personal care brands like Schick, Listerine, L’Oreal, Aveeno, BIC, Neutrogena, and Vaseline! And when I say there are LOTS of offers, there is a huge variety. And because it’s an extremely popular app, it’s always growing and changing as more companies utilize it.
Fetch Rewards
Scan your receipts into Fetch to earn points for buying popular brands like Frito Lay, Ruffles, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Glad, Barilla, All, Jimmy Dean, Scott, M&Ms, Pepsi, and MORE! Join clubs with certain brands like Huggies and General Mills for even more rewards. And even if your receipt doesn’t contain one of the featured items, you will still earn points for just uploading it. Gas, restaurant, and other non-grocery receipts will earn you points. Even better, they often offer 100% back items. That means, when you buy the item they specify, you’ll get your purchase price back in points! You can redeem your points for rewards — there are lots and lots of gift cards. When you sign up you’ll get a bonus of 2,000 points on your first receipt. Depending on what you buy, you really could have a gift card with just your first receipt.And I wanted to offer a tip with Fetch to maximize your points. You’ll get a spin for bonus points every 24 hours as long as you upload a receipt. If you shop multiple stores in a single day, hold those receipts and submit them over the next few days so you can maximize your points with those spins!
Checkout 51
Claim rebates with Checkout 51 on items with receipts from ANY store (though some offers may be store-specific). You can use it on your mobile phone OR your computer with Checkout 51. The offers are available for only one week, released on Thursdays, and end on Wednesdays, but there are limited quantities of some of them. You’ll want to read the fine print as some offers are not valid if you use a coupon. You’ll find brands like Sara Lee, Famous Amos, Suavitel, Vitafusion, and more! You can request a payment by check when you accumulate at least $20. They have opportunities to take some quick surveys or watch short commercials for a little extra cash as well. They have even been known to offer free samples from time to time, so keep a watch out for those to crop up.
Shopmium App
Recently revamped Shopmium is taking the place of the Coupons.com App. (Long-time couponers will recognize the name as this app existed years ago before leaving and now returning!) Now all you have to do is add your offers to your list, then after you purchase the items, take a picture of your receipt and scan the barcodes on the items. You’ll get cash via PayPal — almost immediately at that! (Tip: Make sure you add the offer to your account BEFORE you shop!) They even offer freebies from time to time. I wanted to point out too, that this is a viable option for those of you that can’t print but love those Coupons.com coupons as they are nearly always the same. Many match the Sunday Coupon Insert coupons too. The downfall is that you’re limited to 1 redemption per item, so stocking up on your favorite laundry detergent or toothpaste isn’t going to happen.Popular household product brands you’ll recognize on Shopmium are Colgate, Purina, Irish Spring, Softsoap, Energizer, Poise, Truvia, Gold Bond, Lysol, and Cottonelle.
Shopkick App
Earn rewards in-store and online. Shopkick is the shopping app that rewards you with gift cards or PayPal for the shopping you already do. Simply get points or kicks for your purchases online or by scanning your receipts on specific products. What is fun about Shopkick is that you don’t have to purchase anything to earn points. Just find and scan certain items in stores to earn points – it’s like a scavenger hunt in the store but it’s really easy. You can also check out the “Discover” section and watch ads to earn kicks too. Referrals can earn you more as well.Some of the products you can purchase and earn kicks on are Tyson, Palmolive, Poise, Axe, Dove, Nature’s Bounty, Neutrogena, Vaseline, Häagen-Daz, Purina, Friskies, and Drumstick.
Upside is a FREE cash back app where users can earn up to 25¢ per gallon cash back on gas, up to 45% cash back at restaurants, and up to 30% cash back at grocery stores! You’ll want to enter your zip code or enable your location so that you can see what offers are near you. You’ll claim the offer and then submit your receipt. Once it’s been approved the cash will appear in your account. Cash out to your bank account, PayPal, or select one of many gift cards!.Consider referring friends for a $5 bonus.While this one doesn’t have brand specific-offers, if your local store is a part of this program, the savings can substantially add up. I didn’t want to leave it out for that reason.
So, here’s the very best part about all of opting to use these apps – you might find an offer for your product on several of them -- maybe even ALL of them! It’s a stacking dream. You can sometimes get very close to scoring products for nothing.
One word of caution, you won’t always be able to stack with paper coupons for the same item. Read the details of the offer to see if using a paper coupon in addition to claiming the offer is forbidden or not. Paper coupons will show on the receipt and the app WILL recognize that.
Request Free Samples - Many Include Coupons

Believe it or not, requesting free samples and free samples boxes are an excellent source for manufacturer’s coupons. They often send coupons with the samples so that if you like it, you’ll be further motivated to buy it with additional savings! So that being said, make sure you’re signing up for all the free samples you can. Keep an eye on the MySavings Free Sample page as we post many new samples to request every day. We have a handy list of current free samples by mail you can start requesting right now.
Look for Peelie Coupons In-Store
Peelies are just like they sound! They are coupons placed directly on the product that you peel off and redeem at the register. They are typically found on some of the newest products on the shelves in an appeal to get you to try them, so keep your eyes browsing as you shop. About a decade ago these were very popular, but then they seemed to have faded in time. The good news is that they have made a comeback and are being seen more often! So there you have it! Many, many places to find coupons and optimize savings on all the groceries, personal care, and household items your family uses. I encourage you to visit them all weekly as they are constantly adding new opportunities to save. If you want to read more about perfecting your couponing skills be sure to check out my guide on how to coupon.
You can also follow blogs, websites, and social media that can point you to some of the exceptional couponing combinations and deals out here! They’ll do the math for you and tip you off to some of the best weekly deals -- stepping you through exactly what you need to do to grab the deal yourself.
MySavings is your source for the latest and greatest coupons and store deals. (Free samples too!) Sign up for the daily newsletter as well as follow on Facebook, Telegram and Instagram so that you’ll be the first to know when they are available!.You will even want to join our exclusive Facebook group for even more fun with like-minded couponing friends!