Free Samples of Similac Infant Formula & Coupons
Get free cans of baby formula sent to your home from Similac.
Join MySimilac Rewards and you'll be sent up to $400 worth of freebies including free Similac baby formula, formula coupon checks and more! These formula samples are great for seeing if your baby does well on that particular formula before dishing out the big bucks for a bigger can. Even if you plan on breastfeeding it is good to sign up for these formulas incase you are in an emergency situation and need to supplement with formula.
More Similac Free Sample Boxes
You can also sign up for MySimilac Alimentum rewards for free samples of Alimentum formula made for babies with food allergies or specific nutritional needs.There is also MySimilac NeoSure rewards which has formula designed for preemie babies. You also get a free shutterfly photo book coupon code.
Similac has one of the best free baby boxes you can sign up for. You'll get small formula cans to try and high value coupons that you can redeem in-store. Free baby stuff is the best way to try out new products before dishing out money for full priced items.
What is the Similac Tummy Care Guarantee?
The Tummy Care Guarantee promises that if your baby doesn’t tolerate a Similac product for any reason, you can try another Similac product FREE. Similac will fund the purchase price, excluding taxes & shipping costs, of a different Similac liquid ready-to-feed product or 1 lb or larger powder product, or a 12.1 oz can of Similac® Alimentum®. In order to receive the refund, go to within 30 days of purchasing an alternative formula. You do need to submit a form for your money back.
Of course these baby free samples are only while supplies last so sign up for both soon. Be sure to also learn how you can get free diapers for your little one.