Bed Bath & Beyond Bankrupt - Info on Coupon End Dates & Returns
It's over folks - learn what you need to know about liquidation sales, those 20% off coupons and return deadlines
Bed Bath & Beyond's attempts to stay out of Bankruptcy failed and they are officially closing, along with Buy Buy Baby! There is alot of information still up in the air but below is the sparse information they have put put so far.
4/25 Last day to use 20% off coupons will all expire on 4/26, be sure to use those now
4/26 Store liquidation sales begin
4/26 Anything bought on this day or after is all sales final.
5/8 Gift Cards will expire
5/15 last day to redeem any rewards you have
5/24 last day of returns for anything bought before 4/25
Here is a real kicker - BB&B says they aren't giving refunds on their membership. They have a customer Q&A here with information about the closing, although it is very sparse information for now.
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